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Critically analyse how the concentration ratio has evolved, in recent Essay

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Critically analyse how the concentration ratio has evolved, in recent years, in the following EU industry - Public Utilities.carefully consider the reasons for - Essay ExampleThe initiative of the European Commission way back in 1969 is to coordinate the economic policies as well as to set a monetary integration among the European Union. In 2007, the goal European Commission has proven to be very successful. Having implemented the ‘Euro’ (€) currency back in 1999 is part of the strategy used by the European Union in achieving their purpose of making the inter-regional and inter-state trading much easier.The constantly growing economic activity within the European Union has resulted to a tight competition among the members of the EU banking and financial sector. In order to cope with the intensive competition within the industry, most of the small banks have decided to enter into a merger. The merger of the small and medium scale banks would enable them to maximize its resources through the use of economies of scale.